Les Bohemes – ”O’ Holy Night”

Les Bohemes - „O’ Holy Night” Les Bohemes is performing in Estonia with four amazing holiday concerts in Tartu, Tallinn, Laitse and Pärnu. The band of three well-known tenors is bringing freshness  and Spanish temperament to our music during this holiday season. As it is Christmas time and the ending of the year, the band will perform Christmas songs, but also carefully chosen melodies from different cultures, from Spain and Italy to today’s pop songs, for example hits from Michael Jackson’s, The Beatles’ and Queen’s repertory. The members of Les Bohemes are: dramatic tenor Victor Guzman, tenor Luis Alberto Frias and tenor Ignacio Rovira. The band is accompanied by the pianist Andrés Tejero, who is the author of the bands musical arrangements and who knows exactly how to perform classical music with nowadays’ sound, but still keeping the original feeling. Victor Guzman – dramaatiline tenorLuis Alberto Frias – tenorIgnacio Rovira – tenorAndrés Tejero Velázquez – klaver ja muusikaline juht More information: www.kontsert.ee 27.12 kl 19 – Pärnu, Eliisabeti kirik28.12 kl 19 – Tartu, Peetri kirik29.12 kl 19 – Laitse Graniitvilla30.12 kl 19 – Tallinn, Kaarli kirik 


Laitse küla, Saue vald, Lossipargi tee 8